Tuesday, December 10, 2019


   Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (VAWC), is a law passed to protect women and children from violence. Also known as RA 9262, the law is in keeping with the provisions on human rights enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, as well as the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in various international declarations and documents to which the Philippines is signatory. The law protects women and children against various acts of violence, whether taking place in or out of the home. These acts generally fall under the following categories: 

  • Sexual violence
  • Physical violence
  • Psychological violence
  • Economic abuse

     Gender equality plays a crucial role in development. The Gender and Development (GAD) focal point at NAPC actively promotes the advancement of women by combating the feminisation of poverty through a series of GAD activities. This year, the newly-formed GAD committee has scheduled capacity-development building among NAPC staff and the basic sectors. Key activities include Gender-Sensitivity Training (GST) and Gender-Responsive Planning (GRP). This is to create gender awareness, identify gender issues, and establish a unifies action plan in order to address him.

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