Tuesday, December 10, 2019


                The learning or discoveries that I have gained in ICT this 3rd grading is all about Microsoft Front page. In this front page, I learned how to add and format text, pictures and other page contents using menus and toolbar buttons.

                 The problems or challenges that I have encountered is having a lack of sleep and stress.

            I address this challenges by trusting God because he is there to help me in all of my challenges that comes in my daily life. Also, my family and my friends because they are advising me if I have a problem and they are my inspiration.

               Moving on, I will become a better person and I will not give up on what challenges that comes in my life. 

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Essence of Christmas

                                                      “Jesus is the reason of this season.”

          This Christmas season, it is important for us to bear in our minds the reason why we are celebrating this yuletide season in the first place. In this month of December, it is a must for us to remember that our Lord came in this world in order to save us from our sins; He came to redeem us from the wickedness of this world. This is the time for us to understand the lessons from Jesus and reflect on them.

                The essence of celebrating Christmas season is not to have a house full of Christmas lights, having a tall and beautiful Christmas tree full of gifts underneath it and giving expensive gifts. Christmas basically means sharing what you have, not just the material things but also those that can only be felt like a warm, tight hug, a simple thank you, showing our appreciation to our loved ones and forgiveness among others.

                  God doesn’t expect us to do great things this Christmas. We only need to do things with great love. When love governs our hearts and minds, everything will follow and we don’t need to wait for Christmas time to share our love to other people.

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   Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (VAWC), is a law passed to protect women and children from violence. Also known as RA 9262, the law is in keeping with the provisions on human rights enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, as well as the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in various international declarations and documents to which the Philippines is signatory. The law protects women and children against various acts of violence, whether taking place in or out of the home. These acts generally fall under the following categories: 

  • Sexual violence
  • Physical violence
  • Psychological violence
  • Economic abuse

     Gender equality plays a crucial role in development. The Gender and Development (GAD) focal point at NAPC actively promotes the advancement of women by combating the feminisation of poverty through a series of GAD activities. This year, the newly-formed GAD committee has scheduled capacity-development building among NAPC staff and the basic sectors. Key activities include Gender-Sensitivity Training (GST) and Gender-Responsive Planning (GRP). This is to create gender awareness, identify gender issues, and establish a unifies action plan in order to address him.

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Bullying should stop

        " When people hurt you over and over, think of them like a sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, yo...